One of my quests at the beginning of 2014 was to reimplement the Flylady routines into my life. It hasn't been a total bust, because since the beginning of the year I speculate I've had about 6-7 weeks where I've consistently done my Flylady routines. That is far and above better than the last several years when I have had completed 0 weeks of Flylady routines.
Even though I haven't been consistent with the Flylady routines, my house is in much better shape with what I have done than it was before the first of the year. Now if I can just quit having those weeks when I feel like I'm too busy to do my routines life will be much better. It may sound crazy, but I am much calmer when my house is organized and clean. My goal for the coming week is to:
- Do all of my Flydlady routines (swish/swipe bathrooms daily, clean hotspots, do a load of laundry, shine my kitchen sink, and deal with the mail) everyday.
- Do the Flylady Weekly Home Blessing (vacuum floors, sweep/mop hardwood floors, dust with feather duster, and change sheets) on Monday. I will not spend more than 1 hour on this task.
- Work on my zone of the week which is the Master Bedroom and bathroom. During the zone cleaning I will detail clean and make my bedroom shine. I may not get it all done this week because I will only spend 10-15 minutes a day working in my zone, but I won't worry about what doesn't get done because next month I'll pick up right where I left off! Of course I'll edit Flylady's zone cleaning list to fit what works for my bedroom. I will not spend more than 1-2 hours on this for the entire week.
So this is what my bedroom looks like now:
A pile of clothes on the cedar chest that needs to be folded and put away and another pile of t-shirts I'm saving for a t-shirt quilt that need to be put in a box and stored somewhere. Also, shelves with sentimental items the boys made when they were in school...these shelves have not had a real dusting in 3 or 4 years. | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |
Two laundry baskets of clothes that need to be folded and put away! Yikes the laundry has taken over! A pile of pants on my dresser that I'm currently wearing. I need to clean out my drawers of pants that don't fit, store them away and put these pants in the drawers. Then there is the misc. stuff laying on the dresser that needs to be put away. The mirror also needs to be cleaned. I think if I have time I'll go through my jewelry (necklaces and bracelets) and get rid of the ones I haven't wore in the last year! |
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